Suffer from muscular ailments, back pain or trapped nerves?...

Remedial Massage

Advanced massage techniques are effective for a wide range of ailments, including chronic back pain, trapped nerves, arthritis and migraine and frozen shoulder.

  • Remedial massage
  • Deep tissue massage
  • Myofascial release
  • Trigger point therapy
  • Scar massage and tissue release
  • Ultra-sonic

The benefits:

  • Increased blood flow, both in the area being massaged and generally
  • Increased lymphatic flow to and from the area treated, reducing pain, swelling and inflammation and speeding up the body's own healing process
  • Relieves stress and tension, factors which are known to hinder healing or slow it down, causing problems of their own
  • Reduces muscle tension, thereby improving the blood supply to an area
  • Increases muscle tone
  • Improves general circulation
  • Balances the muscles and joints, leading to a better state of health
  • Breaks down scars and fibrous tissue, restoring elasticity to the joints
  • Greater mobility within the joints of the body
  • Overall relief of stress
  • Greater immunity to further injuries of the same area
  • Inset
